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41 communities and counting - together, we’re transforming lives through education, community health, economic development, and spiritual growth.

Let’s transform lives in Nicaragua: One child, one family, one community at a time.


You can share hope with children and families:

We are committed to serving the most vulnerable communities in Nicaragua. Rayo de Sol is a non-denominational, Christian organization, creating opportunities for personal transformation and social change, through faith-based development strategies.

We’re making a measurable
difference with our partners:


Preschool & primary
students served


Scholarship Students


Patients treated at community clinics


Families participating in community & economic development Initiatives


​Our Five Integral Programs

Long-term strategies and programs designed to create lasting change

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Community Health

Promoting health and well-being.

Educational Quality

Equipping students for success.

Spiritual Growth

Nurturing a foundation of faith and values.

Youth in Action

Empowering young minds to reach their full potential.

Community Development

Building a brighter future, together.


Our Impact Makers are the true heroes
- they inspire us to do even more.


In my family, none of us ever thought we would be able to go to school. In elementary school we didn't have school supplies, shoes, or school uniforms. When I got to high school, we heard about Rayo De Sol and they helped with uniforms, shoes, and school supplies. Now, because of Rayo de Sol's Educational Quality program my brother and sister have a completely different situation. There are no words to give thanks for the changes that we have experienced, we are very grateful for Rayo De Sol and of course the donors.”

Eveling Martínez

High School graduate and University Scholarship recipient


“Getting to work with Peter and the staff at Rayo De Sol was hands down the most inspiring, beautiful, transformative experience of my life. The work they are doing is absolutely life changing and to get to be a part of helping their mission changed my entire perspective on life. What impressed me the most was everyone’s positivity and professionalism.

What impressed me is the fact that no matter what your skills are - you have something to offer that can help them in some way, shape, or form and the gratitude you feel just FILLS YOUR SOUL! I can’t WAIT to go back!”

Audra Esper

Mission Trip Participant


“This is such a fantastic organization that truly cares about people, their living conditions, and upward mobility. They offer solutions that provide holistic growth, healing, and support that help families and communities thrive! Love them!”

John Price

Montgomery Community Church
Cincinnati, OH


Curious how your support transforms lives in Nicaragua?

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Here’s what you’ll receive:
  • Inspiring stories of children, families, and communities experiencing positive change.

  • Updates on Rayo de Sol’s programs and their impact on the lives of those we serve.

  • Opportunities to get involved and make a real difference.

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